• 391 E Flaming Gorge Way, Green River, WY 82935
  • (307) 875-5057
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Don't Just Clean Your Carpet - Let Us Maintain It!

Why would you want to be our Healthy Home Care client?
Here’s a scenario: It’s the end of a hard work day, and you’re curled up on your favorite sofa in your favorite family room with your loved ones and pets around you. You’re looking out over the room with its beautiful, spotless, fresh-smelling carpet. You feel safe and cozy and life is good!!

Or is this your scenario: You’re sitting on a tired sofa that smells of dander and with pet hair balled up at the edge of the furniture. You look across the room and your eyes go to the gray traffic lanes burned into the carpet and the big stain where the spaghetti was spilled last month. Six or eight spots stretch across the floor where the kids tracked in grease from somewhere, not to mention the hot chocolate spill by the corner of the armchair. You just don’t really want to take a deep breath, but you try your best to relax.

With our Healthy Home Care Program you will feel the difference. Yours can be scenario number one….. and it’s affordable!

Your carpets will last much longer using our low moisture cleaning system to protect the integrity of your carpet’s construction. It’s gentle to the fiber, preventing distortion and delamination of carpet backing.

It’s a much more cost-effective way to maintain your carpets. Free professional spotting helps keep your carpets beautiful between cleanings. And you’ll be keeping up with your carpet’s warranty requirements.

Your upholstery needs cleaning too! Let us fill all your upholstery cleaning needs.

We specialize in giving your fine furniture the proper care, offering four different cleaning processes that will be tailored to fit the type of fabric covering you have.

Your furniture will resist re-soiling, and most furniture can be included in our on-going spot removal program when added to our Health Home Care Program.

Call Us Now For More Information (307) 875-5057